Looking at our chart we see that time-series data can be quite noisy, with a lot of up and down spikes. This can sometimes make it difficult to see what's going on.

A useful technique to make a trend apparent is to smooth out the observations by taking an average. By averaging say, 6 or 12 observations we can construct something called the rolling mean. Essentially we calculate the average in a window of time and move it forward by one observation at a time.

Since this is such a common technique, Pandas actually two handy methods already built-in: rolling() and mean(). We can chain these two methods up to create a DataFrame made up of the averaged observations.

# The window is number of observations that are averaged
roll_df = reshaped_df.rolling(window=6).mean()

plt.xlabel('Date', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Number of Posts', fontsize=14)
plt.ylim(0, 35000)

# plot the roll_df instead
for column in roll_df.columns:
    plt.plot(roll_df.index, roll_df[column], 
             linewidth=3, label=roll_df[column].name)


Now our chart looks something like this:

Play with the window argument (use 3 or 12) and see how the chart changes!