We saw that when using a basic HTML form, we can use the request object from Flask to access the key-value pairs that were entered into the form when the POST request was made.

With WTForms, it's even easier to get hold of the form data. All you have to do is to tap into the




But one thing we should check before printing the field data is whether if the form has been submitted (POST request) or if it's GET request when the form is being rendered.

Previously we used

if request.method == "POST"

Now, we're simply going to check the return value of validate_on_submit() which will be True if validation was successful after the user submitted the form, or False if it failed.

CHALLENGE: Update the /login route in main.py so that if the form was submitted and validated and their credentials matched the following:

email: admin@email.com

password: 12345678

then show them the success.html page.

Otherwise show them the denied.html page


